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Care provided by Mid-Manhattan Physician Services PC
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The abortion pill is a method of ending a pregnancy that doesn’t involve any surgical procedures. The abortion pill actually consists of two different medications. The first one is called mifepristone, or mifeprex. This pill stops the pregnancy from growing and is administered in the office by a doctor. Then, you will take a second medication at home called misoprostol, or cytotec, which causes your body to pass the pregnancy naturally. Many women prefer this option and find it to be a safe, private, and convenient way to end an undesired pregnancy without undergoing any invasive procedures.
We can help you obtain these medications in a safe and caring environment.
Call us at 646-898-2122 or keep reading for more information about how to obtain the abortion pill.
The first step is a visit to the office. At this visit you will complete paperwork, have blood drawn, and will have an ultrasound.
The ultrasound will confirm that you are pregnant and will confirm that the pregnancy is in your uterus. We must rule out an ectopic pregnancy, or a pregnancy that is in your tube, because the pills are not safe to use if the pregnancy is not in your uterus. If we cannot confirm that the pregnancy is in your uterus we might check a hormone level from the blood and have you come back in a few days to repeat the ultrasound. You will meet with a physician who will discuss all of your options with you an answer any questions you might have.
You must also be less then 8 weeks gestation because beyond that point the effectiveness of the non surgical procedure drops dramatically. In cases where the pregnancy tissue is unable to pass on its own, patients would need a surgical procedure. This only happens in about 5 % of cases before 8 weeks of gestation. This is why we rarely provide the abortion pill in cases where a pregnancy is greater then 8 weeks.
Your office visit also allows the doctor to rule out conditions which would keep you from being a good candidate for this the abortion pill. Certain medicines or medical conditions may make the abortion pill less effective or put your health at risk. Please make your physician aware of all medical conditions, especially bleeding or clotting problems which might increase your risk during the process.
This time also allows you to ask questions regarding how the abortion pill works and what you will experience. It gives you time to confirm your decision regarding not only your abortion, but whether you wish to have a non surgical procedure or switch to the surgical procedure or aspiration procedure.
Once you and your doctor are both satisfied that you are ready your doctor will have you take the Mifepristone tablet, The Abortion Pill, in the office. You must take the abortion pill in the office because of the FDA regulations regarding distribution of this medication. This medication stops the development of the pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone. Mifepristone can cause dizziness, nausea and period like spotting however most women do not experience these side effects.
The doctor will then provide you with an envelope containing four tablets of a second medication called misoprostol. You will take this medication home with you and take it by placing it in your cheeks and letting it dissolve approximately 24 hours after taking the first pill.
We recommend that you find a time where you can be at home and comfortable. You will want to be near a bathroom and in a place where you can relax as much as possible. Once you are ready you will then put the tablets of the second medication, Misoprostol (Also known as Cytotec) inside your cheeks to let them dissolve. This medication makes your uterus contract and expel the pregnancy tissue. Usually women start to have cramping and bleeding between one to four hours after taking this medication. It is different for every woman. You are encouraged to take pain medication every 4 to 6 hours to help moderate the cramping during this phase of the process. Even with pain medication you should expect to feel cramping. The medication serves to make it less intense and more tolerable. Pain may also be reduced by resting and using heating pads or hot water bottles on you back or stomach. If the pain medication does not seem to be having any effect please contact the office to discuss this with the nurse or doctor.
You will return to the office for a follow up visit in three weeks. The pregnancy test and ultrasound will be repeated to make sure that the pregnancy has ended. It’s very important that you come to this visit to confirm that the pills were successful. You will also meet with a doctor who will perform an exam and discuss birth control options.
Q: Up to how many weeks can the pills be used?
A: The pills are approved for up to 10 weeks. At our office we feel that they work best up to 8 weeks.
Q: What if the pills don’t work?
A: Sometimes the pills don’t stop the pregnancy from growing or your body is not able to pass all of the tissue. If this happens, the surgical procedure is available to complete the termination.
Q: Who can take the abortion pill?
A: The pills are safe for most women. However, some medical problems such as severe anemia or problems with bleeding might mean that the pills are not the best option for you. You will meet with a doctor during your visit who will determine if the pills are safe for you to take. If the pills are not an appropriate option for you we will discuss other options.
Q: Is the process painful?
A: Most women experience some discomfort. Some women describe it as feeling like their normal period while other women find it to be more uncomfortable. We give everyone a prescription for pain medicine to take at home.
Q: What if I’m not sure what method I want?
A: You can make an appointment to discuss your options with our staff and doctors in a safe, caring, and private setting. Everyone is different, and we will help you decide on the best option for you.
Q: What are the risks of taking the abortion pill?
A: There is a very low risk (less than 1%) of heavy bleeding or infection. There is also a small risk, around 5%, of the pregnancy continuing to grow or of not all of the tissue passing. The surgical procedure if always available if needed. The pills are very safe and do not cause any problems with fertility later in life.
Q: What if I am too far along or decide I don’t want the abortion pill?
A: We will talk to you about the surgical options for terminating your pregnancy and help you to schedule the procedure.
Q: How do I get started?
A: Call us at 646-898-2122 to speak with our staff and make an appointment today.
© 2025 AbortionPillNYC.com. All Rights Reserved.
Care provided by Mid-Manhattan Physician Services PC